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CYA Hike: White Ranch East Trailhead

On Sunday, October 3rd, join fellow Yalies for a four-mile hike starting at White Ranch Park east trailhead, 5611 Glencoe Valley Road, Golden, at 8:30 am. This area in the foothills was territory for the Paleo-Indians 12,000-7000 years ago, before it was home to numerous native peoples, including the Utes and Arapahoe. Approximately two centuries ago, white settler came looking for gold, and the first placer gold, which is culled from streams, was found in what is now known as Ralston Creek east of White Ranch. In 1865, it became a homestead that was eventually the property of Paul White, who owned a cattle ranch.

After this moderately strenuous hike, those interested can gather at the New Terrain Brewing Company, 16401 Table Mountain Parkway, Golden (estimated time: 11:30 am). Non-hikers welcome. Please RSVP to Ben Jacobs ’17:

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