
  • Yale Alumni Service Corps

    Through the Yale Alumni Service Corps the Association of Yale Alumni is delighted to offer an innovative service opportunity for alumni, families, and friends. Yale Service Trips build on the diverse talents and energies of our alumni volunteers to provide critical services to communities in need. Projects vary from construction to medicine, education, athletics, small business consulting, and more. These programs provide opportunities to work alongside people in the local community, enjoy meaningful cross-cultural exchange, and form incredible bonds with fellow alumni who share a passion for service.

  • Students and Alumni of Yale

    Students and Alumni of Yale is a group working closely with the Association of Yale Alumni (“AYA”), Undergraduate Career Services (“UCS”), graduate and professional school associations, and other campus partners, aim to:

    Enhance the Yale experience for students by connecting them with Yale’s experienced and enthusiastic alumni

    Prepare students for life after Yale through career panels, networking opportunities, and mentoring

    Encourage students to stay involved with Yale after graduation by providing them with leadership opportunities at the AYA, the Yale Alumni Fund, alumni interviewing, etc.

    Inspire alumni to reconnect with Yale or enhance their current connection through meaningful interaction with the student body

    Encourage alumni to inspire students through life experiences and insights

    Contribute to our alma mater with our joint time and talent

    Colorado coordinator: Martin Walsh, SOM’07, 303-694-1900 Ext. 309,

  • Volunteer for Yale’s Alumni Schools Committee

    ASC volunteers conduct evaluative interviews of freshman applicants and to serve as the local public-relations arm of the Undergraduate Admissions Office. The ASC interview serves the dual purposes of gathering more information on the applicant and giving candidates the opportunity to learn about Yale from someone who has lived it first-hand. Students are eager to hear about your Yale experiences, and to find out what you have gained from going to Yale. It’s fun and rewarding. You are given the opportunity to meet some of the most talented and accomplished high school students in your local community, and you get to share your Yale experience.

    The ASC assists Yale with the undergraduate admissions effort at the local level. This program comprises 8,000 alumni volunteers in 285 committees worldwide. Each committee is directed by a Yale alumni volunteer. Ours is Shannon Scott, ‘93. You may contact Shannon at, 303-912-3229. Colorado has a large and diverse applicant pool; we need volunteers from across the state.

    ASC now requires interviewers to sign up each year. Go to and select either “New Volunteers” or “Current Members.”

  • Summer Internships at CLIMB

    Colorado Leaders, Interns and Mentors in Business (CLIMB) is an intensive paid summer internship program for students from Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Middlebury, Brown and MIT. The 30-50 students learn the business, professional, civic, and social offerings of the Denver area. CLIMB offers students challenging paid jobs, introductions to the community and its leaders, alumni mentorships, interesting events and group housing for the summer. Visit the CLIMB website at

    Local alumni volunteers of the universities and colleges collaborate in this effective educational initiative. The program showcases the region’s opportunities, leaders, and beautiful locations to student participants, and attracts talented graduates for permanent positions in the region.

    In its first six years, CLIMB has:

    Recruited over 110 summer employers offering paid internship positions

    Secured 133 students for internships, most of whom are not from the region originally

    Attracted over 1700 students as applicants

    Had seven CLIMB students accept full-time positions in Denver after graduation

    Provided mentors and exciting events for the students

    Raised money from local alumni to support the high-rise group housing, a block from the center of Denver’s dynamic downtown

    We welcome your support. Please explore the website and become involved. You can contribute with a donation or as an employer, a mentor or by being a host for a summer event.

    A note for students

    Applications will be accepted from all current students at Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Middlebury, Brown and MIT. For students who are interested in applying, please explore this site to understand the program elements and expectations. As soon as job descriptions are listed, you may apply. Please note that new employers are listing their job descriptions each week.

  • Yale Global Alumni Leadership Exchange

    Yale Global Alumni Leadership Exchange is an AYA initiative that seeks the advancement of education through alumni engagement and leadership, fosters rich cultural understanding among participating universities, and shares best practices in alumni relations across institutions. Explore this program at the YaleGALE website.

    YaleGALE is an AYA initiative that seeks the advancement of education through alumni engagement and leadership, fosters rich cultural understanding among participating universities, and shares best practices in alumni relations across institutions.

    YaleGale has conducted its programs at Universities in Australia, Japan, Turkey and China, Israel and the United Kingdom. The YaleGALE volunteers who have traveled to these Universities and conducted the seminars report an unparalleled experience of cultural exchange and intellectual stimulation. Explore this program at the YaleGALE website.